ansible-nginx-uwsgi-supervisor ============================== An Ansible role to setup and manage a UWSGI app via supervisor, and served up on a NGINX web server. The goal of this role is to make deployment of WSGI app as a simple and sane as possible. Additionally the role provides sane defaults for logging and folder structure setup. Requirements ------------ - aptitude or python-apt (required by apt tasks) - python > 2.5 (required by ini_file tasks) This role is designed to work against a modern Ubuntu system. (Tested on Ubuntu 13.10 and 14.04) It should theoretically work on older versions of Ubuntu or Debian based systems. Role Variables -------------- ### Default Variables TODO - Explanation # Web root paths + app name + home app_name: app web_root_path: /srv/www web_server_group: www-data app_home: "{{ web_root_path }}/{{ app_name }}_webapp" # NGINX nginx_hostname: localhost nginx_app_static: "{{ app_home }}/{{ app_name }}/static/" # UWSGI uwsgi_port: 8001 uwsgi_app_executable: "app:make_wsgi_app()" ### Main (Internal) Variables The following variables are part of the internals of the role. However if you really want to, you can tweak them to work with your setup: - web_user: The non-root user who is allowed to control web + app servers on the target machine. (Default: current user) - virtualenv_root: The common root directory of Python virtual environments associated with running the UWSGI app + server. (Default: /srv/www/virtualenvs/) - uwsgi_venv: The virtual environment where UWSGI is installed. (Default: virtualenv_root/uwsgi) - app_venv: The virtual environment where the dependencies of the WSGI app is installed. (Default: virtualenv_root/app_name) - nginx_app_conf: The filename of the NGINX configuration for the app. (Default: app_name_uwsgi_nginx.conf) - supervisor_app_config: The filename of the supervisor configuration for the app. (Default: app_name_supervisor.conf) - uwsgi_config: The path to the UWSGI configurations. (Default: /srv/www/config/uwsgi) - uwsgi_app_ini: The filename of the UWSGI INI configuration for the app. (Default: app_name_uwsgi.ini) - uwsgi_service_name: The name of the UWSGI setup for the app according to supervisor. (Default: app_name_uwsgi) Example Playbook ---------------- The simplest way to include the role in your playbook is to copy the below configuration. Remember to modify the app_name, nginx_hostname and uwsgi_app_executable parameters especially. - hosts: servers sudo: yes roles: - { role: ansible-nginx-uwsgi-supervisor, app_name: app, nginx_hostname:, uwsgi_port: 8080, uwsgi_app_executable: "" } Default File Structure ---------------------- By default the role will organize files in the following directory structure: /srv/www ├── config │   ├── nginx -> /etc/nginx │   ├── supervisor -> /etc/supervisor │   └── uwsgi ├── logs │   ├── nginx -> /var/log/nginx │   ├── supervisor -> /var/log/supervisor │   └── uwsgi ├── app_webapp │   ├── requirements.txt │   └── app └── virtualenvs ├── app └── uwsgi License ------- BSD Author Information ------------------ Dorian Pula - email: dorian.pula at - www: This role is a spin-off of the technology developed for the [Rookeries project]: