from kivy import app, properties from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from import Color, Rectangle from doric.tiles import MapTile, SpacerTile class StrategyGame(BoxLayout): main_map = properties.ObjectProperty(None) status = properties.ObjectProperty(None) map_rows = properties.NumericProperty(0) map_cols = properties.NumericProperty(0) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(StrategyGame, self).__init__(**kwargs) # TODO: Need to figure out dimensions of map... better isolate in standalone FloatLayout setup. # TODO: Add in calculation of number of tiles placeable in map? Or using scroll view? # TODO: Learn about scrollable maps and mini-maps for row in range(0, self.map_rows): hex_map_row = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal') if row % 2 == 1: hex_map_row.add_widget(SpacerTile()) for col in range(0, self.map_cols): map_tile = MapTile(row=row, col=col) hex_map_row.add_widget(map_tile) if row % 2 == 0: hex_map_row.add_widget(SpacerTile()) self.main_map.add_widget(hex_map_row) def on_selected_cell(self, selected_tile, *args): self.status.text = selected_tile.map_display_text() with self.status.canvas.before: Color(*selected_tile.terrain_colour) Rectangle(pos=self.status.pos, size=self.status.size) return True class StrategyGameApp(app.App): def build(self): return StrategyGame() if __name__ == '__main__': StrategyGameApp().run()