
138 lines
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import collections
from math import ceil
from kivy.logger import Logger
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from import Color, Line, Ellipse
import kivy.utils
from kivy.vector import Vector
from terrain import choose_random_terrain, Terrains
MapCoords = collections.namedtuple('MapCoords', ['row', 'col'])
class HexMapCell(Label):
def __init__(self, row=0, col=0, **kwargs):
super(HexMapCell, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.coords = MapCoords(row, col)
# set the cube coordinates of the hexagon
# as [x, y, z]
self.cube_coords = self.even_r_to_cube(self.coords.row / 3, self.coords.col / 2)
self.selected = False
self.visible_on_map = False
# Pick a random terrain for each hex.
self.terrain = choose_random_terrain()
self.terrain_colour = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
# Determine the location of the solid hexagon cell. Needs to be offset from the centre of the hex.
radius = self.height / 2
solid_x = self.x - self.height
solid_y = self.y - self.height
solid_size = (self.height, self.height)
with self.canvas.after:
# Create the solid background of the hexagon, from the bottom left coordinate of the hex.
self.terrain_colour = kivy.utils.get_color_from_hex(Terrains[self.terrain]['color'])
self.solid = Ellipse(pos=(solid_x, solid_y), size=solid_size, segments=6)
# Create the outline of hexagon, based off the centre of the hex.
self.ell = Line(circle=(self.x, self.y, radius, 0, 360, 6), width=2)
Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
self.coord_label = Label(
def even_r_to_cube(row, col):
"""compute cube coordinates from even-r hex coordinates"""
x = int(col - ceil(float(row)/2))
z = row
y = - x - z
return [x, y, z]
def cube_to_even_r(x, y, z):
row = int(x + ceil(z / 2))
col = z
return ([row, col])
def even_r_coords(self):
"""return even-r coordinates of the hexagon."""
return self.cube_to_even_r(*self.cube_coords)
def even_r_coords(self, value):
self.cube_coords = self.even_r_to_cube(*value)
def even_r_coordinate_text(self):
return '{}'.format(self.even_r_coords)
def cube_coordinate_text(self):
return '{!r}'.format(self.cube_coords)
def map_display_text(self):
return "{}\n{} \n {}".format(self.even_r_coordinate_text(), self.cube_coordinate_text(), self.terrain)
def update_pos(self, instance, value):
# Determine the location of the solid hexagon cell. Needs to be offset from the centre of the hex.
radius = 2 * self.height
solid_x = self.x - self.height*2
solid_y = self.y - self.height*2
solid_size = (4*self.height, 4*self.height)
# Resize the outline of the cell. = (self.x, self.y, radius, 0, 360, 6)
# Resize the actual cell.
self.solid.pos = (solid_x, solid_y)
self.solid.size = solid_size
self.coord_label.center_x = self.x
self.coord_label.center_y = self.y
def on_touch_down(self, touch):
if super(HexMapCell, self).on_touch_down(touch):
return False
coord_x, coord_y = self.even_r_coords
if not self.visible_on_map:
return False
with self.canvas.after:
radius = 2 * self.height
self.ell = Line(circle=(self.x, self.y, radius, 0, 360, 6), width=2)
if not self.collide_with_bounding_circle(touch.x, touch.y):
return False
Logger.debug('Selected: ({}, {})'.format(coord_x, coord_y))
with self.canvas.after:
if 'button' in touch.profile and touch.button == 'left':
if 'button' in touch.profile and touch.button == 'right':
# TODO Will refactor to have separate on_touch_up for selected target hex instead.
radius = 2 * self.height
self.ell = Line(circle=(self.x, self.y, radius, 0, 360, 6), width=2), self.terrain_colour)
return True
def collide_with_bounding_circle(self, coord_x, coord_y):
# Register if within bounds of circle that the hex is inscribed in.
Logger.debug('Detected: ({}, {})'.format(coord_x, coord_y))
radius = 2 * self.height
dist = Vector(self.x, self.y).distance((coord_x, coord_y))
Logger.debug('({}, {}) -> ({}, {})'.format(self.x, self.y, coord_x, coord_y))
Logger.debug('Dist: {} Diff: {}'.format(dist, dist - radius))
return dist - radius <= 0