# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Robey Pointer # # This file is part of paramiko. # # Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. """ Some unit tests for the ssh2 protocol in Transport. """ from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify import select import socket import sys import time import threading import unittest from paramiko import Transport, SecurityOptions, ServerInterface, RSAKey, DSSKey, \ SSHException, BadAuthenticationType, InteractiveQuery, ChannelException from paramiko import AUTH_FAILED, AUTH_PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL, AUTH_SUCCESSFUL from paramiko import OPEN_SUCCEEDED, OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED from loop import LoopSocket class NullServer (ServerInterface): paranoid_did_password = False paranoid_did_public_key = False paranoid_key = DSSKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_dss.key') def get_allowed_auths(self, username): if username == 'slowdive': return 'publickey,password' return 'publickey' def check_auth_password(self, username, password): if (username == 'slowdive') and (password == 'pygmalion'): return AUTH_SUCCESSFUL return AUTH_FAILED def check_channel_request(self, kind, chanid): if kind == 'bogus': return OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED return OPEN_SUCCEEDED def check_channel_exec_request(self, channel, command): if command != 'yes': return False return True def check_channel_shell_request(self, channel): return True def check_global_request(self, kind, msg): self._global_request = kind return False def check_channel_x11_request(self, channel, single_connection, auth_protocol, auth_cookie, screen_number): self._x11_single_connection = single_connection self._x11_auth_protocol = auth_protocol self._x11_auth_cookie = auth_cookie self._x11_screen_number = screen_number return True def check_port_forward_request(self, addr, port): self._listen = socket.socket() self._listen.listen(1) return self._listen.getsockname()[1] def cancel_port_forward_request(self, addr, port): self._listen.close() self._listen = None def check_channel_direct_tcpip_request(self, chanid, origin, destination): self._tcpip_dest = destination return OPEN_SUCCEEDED class TransportTest (unittest.TestCase): assertTrue = unittest.TestCase.failUnless # for Python 2.3 and below assertFalse = unittest.TestCase.failIf # for Python 2.3 and below def setUp(self): self.socks = LoopSocket() self.sockc = LoopSocket() self.sockc.link(self.socks) self.tc = Transport(self.sockc) self.ts = Transport(self.socks) def tearDown(self): self.tc.close() self.ts.close() self.socks.close() self.sockc.close() def setup_test_server(self, client_options=None, server_options=None): host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key') public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key)) self.ts.add_server_key(host_key) if client_options is not None: client_options(self.tc.get_security_options()) if server_options is not None: server_options(self.ts.get_security_options()) event = threading.Event() self.server = NullServer() self.assert_(not event.isSet()) self.ts.start_server(event, self.server) self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key, username='slowdive', password='pygmalion') event.wait(1.0) self.assert_(event.isSet()) self.assert_(self.ts.is_active()) def test_1_security_options(self): o = self.tc.get_security_options() self.assertEquals(type(o), SecurityOptions) self.assert_(('aes256-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc') != o.ciphers) o.ciphers = ('aes256-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc') self.assertEquals(('aes256-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc'), o.ciphers) try: o.ciphers = ('aes256-cbc', 'made-up-cipher') self.assert_(False) except ValueError: pass try: o.ciphers = 23 self.assert_(False) except TypeError: pass def test_2_compute_key(self): self.tc.K = 123281095979686581523377256114209720774539068973101330872763622971399429481072519713536292772709507296759612401802191955568143056534122385270077606457721553469730659233569339356140085284052436697480759510519672848743794433460113118986816826624865291116513647975790797391795651716378444844877749505443714557929L self.tc.H = unhexlify('0C8307CDE6856FF30BA93684EB0F04C2520E9ED3') self.tc.session_id = self.tc.H key = self.tc._compute_key('C', 32) self.assertEquals('207E66594CA87C44ECCBA3B3CD39FDDB378E6FDB0F97C54B2AA0CFBF900CD995', hexlify(key).upper()) def test_3_simple(self): """ verify that we can establish an ssh link with ourselves across the loopback sockets. this is hardly "simple" but it's simpler than the later tests. :) """ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key') public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key)) self.ts.add_server_key(host_key) event = threading.Event() server = NullServer() self.assert_(not event.isSet()) self.assertEquals(None, self.tc.get_username()) self.assertEquals(None, self.ts.get_username()) self.assertEquals(False, self.tc.is_authenticated()) self.assertEquals(False, self.ts.is_authenticated()) self.ts.start_server(event, server) self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key, username='slowdive', password='pygmalion') event.wait(1.0) self.assert_(event.isSet()) self.assert_(self.ts.is_active()) self.assertEquals('slowdive', self.tc.get_username()) self.assertEquals('slowdive', self.ts.get_username()) self.assertEquals(True, self.tc.is_authenticated()) self.assertEquals(True, self.ts.is_authenticated()) def test_4_special(self): """ verify that the client can demand odd handshake settings, and can renegotiate keys in mid-stream. """ def force_algorithms(options): options.ciphers = ('aes256-cbc',) options.digests = ('hmac-md5-96',) self.setup_test_server(client_options=force_algorithms) self.assertEquals('aes256-cbc', self.tc.local_cipher) self.assertEquals('aes256-cbc', self.tc.remote_cipher) self.assertEquals(12, self.tc.packetizer.get_mac_size_out()) self.assertEquals(12, self.tc.packetizer.get_mac_size_in()) self.tc.send_ignore(1024) self.tc.renegotiate_keys() self.ts.send_ignore(1024) def test_5_keepalive(self): """ verify that the keepalive will be sent. """ self.setup_test_server() self.assertEquals(None, getattr(self.server, '_global_request', None)) self.tc.set_keepalive(1) time.sleep(2) self.assertEquals('keepalive@lag.net', self.server._global_request) def test_6_exec_command(self): """ verify that exec_command() does something reasonable. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) try: chan.exec_command('no') self.assert_(False) except SSHException, x: pass chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.exec_command('yes') schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) schan.send('Hello there.\n') schan.send_stderr('This is on stderr.\n') schan.close() f = chan.makefile() self.assertEquals('Hello there.\n', f.readline()) self.assertEquals('', f.readline()) f = chan.makefile_stderr() self.assertEquals('This is on stderr.\n', f.readline()) self.assertEquals('', f.readline()) # now try it with combined stdout/stderr chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.exec_command('yes') schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) schan.send('Hello there.\n') schan.send_stderr('This is on stderr.\n') schan.close() chan.set_combine_stderr(True) f = chan.makefile() self.assertEquals('Hello there.\n', f.readline()) self.assertEquals('This is on stderr.\n', f.readline()) self.assertEquals('', f.readline()) def test_7_invoke_shell(self): """ verify that invoke_shell() does something reasonable. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.invoke_shell() schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) chan.send('communist j. cat\n') f = schan.makefile() self.assertEquals('communist j. cat\n', f.readline()) chan.close() self.assertEquals('', f.readline()) def test_8_channel_exception(self): """ verify that ChannelException is thrown for a bad open-channel request. """ self.setup_test_server() try: chan = self.tc.open_channel('bogus') self.fail('expected exception') except ChannelException, x: self.assert_(x.code == OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED) def test_9_exit_status(self): """ verify that get_exit_status() works. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) chan.exec_command('yes') schan.send('Hello there.\n') self.assert_(not chan.exit_status_ready()) # trigger an EOF schan.shutdown_read() schan.shutdown_write() schan.send_exit_status(23) schan.close() f = chan.makefile() self.assertEquals('Hello there.\n', f.readline()) self.assertEquals('', f.readline()) count = 0 while not chan.exit_status_ready(): time.sleep(0.1) count += 1 if count > 50: raise Exception("timeout") self.assertEquals(23, chan.recv_exit_status()) chan.close() def test_A_select(self): """ verify that select() on a channel works. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.invoke_shell() schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) # nothing should be ready r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1) self.assertEquals([], r) self.assertEquals([], w) self.assertEquals([], e) schan.send('hello\n') # something should be ready now (give it 1 second to appear) for i in range(10): r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1) if chan in r: break time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEquals([chan], r) self.assertEquals([], w) self.assertEquals([], e) self.assertEquals('hello\n', chan.recv(6)) # and, should be dead again now r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1) self.assertEquals([], r) self.assertEquals([], w) self.assertEquals([], e) schan.close() # detect eof? for i in range(10): r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1) if chan in r: break time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEquals([chan], r) self.assertEquals([], w) self.assertEquals([], e) self.assertEquals('', chan.recv(16)) # make sure the pipe is still open for now... p = chan._pipe self.assertEquals(False, p._closed) chan.close() # ...and now is closed. self.assertEquals(True, p._closed) def test_B_renegotiate(self): """ verify that a transport can correctly renegotiate mid-stream. """ self.setup_test_server() self.tc.packetizer.REKEY_BYTES = 16384 chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.exec_command('yes') schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) self.assertEquals(self.tc.H, self.tc.session_id) for i in range(20): chan.send('x' * 1024) chan.close() # allow a few seconds for the rekeying to complete for i in xrange(50): if self.tc.H != self.tc.session_id: break time.sleep(0.1) self.assertNotEquals(self.tc.H, self.tc.session_id) schan.close() def test_C_compression(self): """ verify that zlib compression is basically working. """ def force_compression(o): o.compression = ('zlib',) self.setup_test_server(force_compression, force_compression) chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.exec_command('yes') schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) bytes = self.tc.packetizer._Packetizer__sent_bytes chan.send('x' * 1024) bytes2 = self.tc.packetizer._Packetizer__sent_bytes # tests show this is actually compressed to *52 bytes*! including packet overhead! nice!! :) self.assert_(bytes2 - bytes < 1024) self.assertEquals(52, bytes2 - bytes) chan.close() schan.close() def test_D_x11(self): """ verify that an x11 port can be requested and opened. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.exec_command('yes') schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) requested = [] def handler(c, (addr, port)): requested.append((addr, port)) self.tc._queue_incoming_channel(c) self.assertEquals(None, getattr(self.server, '_x11_screen_number', None)) cookie = chan.request_x11(0, single_connection=True, handler=handler) self.assertEquals(0, self.server._x11_screen_number) self.assertEquals('MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1', self.server._x11_auth_protocol) self.assertEquals(cookie, self.server._x11_auth_cookie) self.assertEquals(True, self.server._x11_single_connection) x11_server = self.ts.open_x11_channel(('localhost', 6093)) x11_client = self.tc.accept() self.assertEquals('localhost', requested[0][0]) self.assertEquals(6093, requested[0][1]) x11_server.send('hello') self.assertEquals('hello', x11_client.recv(5)) x11_server.close() x11_client.close() chan.close() schan.close() def test_E_reverse_port_forwarding(self): """ verify that a client can ask the server to open a reverse port for forwarding. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.exec_command('yes') schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) requested = [] def handler(c, (origin_addr, origin_port), (server_addr, server_port)): requested.append((origin_addr, origin_port)) requested.append((server_addr, server_port)) self.tc._queue_incoming_channel(c) port = self.tc.request_port_forward('', 0, handler) self.assertEquals(port, self.server._listen.getsockname()[1]) cs = socket.socket() cs.connect(('', port)) ss, _ = self.server._listen.accept() sch = self.ts.open_forwarded_tcpip_channel(ss.getsockname(), ss.getpeername()) cch = self.tc.accept() sch.send('hello') self.assertEquals('hello', cch.recv(5)) sch.close() cch.close() ss.close() cs.close() # now cancel it. self.tc.cancel_port_forward('', port) self.assertTrue(self.server._listen is None) def test_F_port_forwarding(self): """ verify that a client can forward new connections from a locally- forwarded port. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.exec_command('yes') schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) # open a port on the "server" that the client will ask to forward to. greeting_server = socket.socket() greeting_server.listen(1) greeting_port = greeting_server.getsockname()[1] cs = self.tc.open_channel('direct-tcpip', ('', greeting_port), ('', 9000)) sch = self.ts.accept(1.0) cch = socket.socket() cch.connect(self.server._tcpip_dest) ss, _ = greeting_server.accept() ss.send('Hello!\n') ss.close() sch.send(cch.recv(8192)) sch.close() self.assertEquals('Hello!\n', cs.recv(7)) cs.close() def test_G_stderr_select(self): """ verify that select() on a channel works even if only stderr is receiving data. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.invoke_shell() schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) # nothing should be ready r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1) self.assertEquals([], r) self.assertEquals([], w) self.assertEquals([], e) schan.send_stderr('hello\n') # something should be ready now (give it 1 second to appear) for i in range(10): r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1) if chan in r: break time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEquals([chan], r) self.assertEquals([], w) self.assertEquals([], e) self.assertEquals('hello\n', chan.recv_stderr(6)) # and, should be dead again now r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1) self.assertEquals([], r) self.assertEquals([], w) self.assertEquals([], e) schan.close() chan.close() def test_H_send_ready(self): """ verify that send_ready() indicates when a send would not block. """ self.setup_test_server() chan = self.tc.open_session() chan.invoke_shell() schan = self.ts.accept(1.0) self.assertEquals(chan.send_ready(), True) total = 0 K = '*' * 1024 while total < 1024 * 1024: chan.send(K) total += len(K) if not chan.send_ready(): break self.assert_(total < 1024 * 1024) schan.close() chan.close() self.assertEquals(chan.send_ready(), True)